
As more companies begin to re-evaluate their current practices with a focus on sustainability, they will need resources and tools to navigate the already complex nature of meetings and events. Green Girl Events helps provide this roadmap by offering the following services:

Hotel & Venue Selection

When developing your sustainability plan, choosing the right venue is one of the most important tasks. In addition to finding a venue that fits your program needs and specifications, the venue should also align with your sustainability plan and will help set you up for success. Three main areas to look for include:

Vendor Management & Circularity

Choosing the right partners to assist you in achieving your sustainability goals can cost time and energy that you may not have. In addition to choosing vendors with established sustainability practices, a circular economy approach to events provides a framework for organizations to increase efficiency, save money and reduce waste. A few of the ways these practices can be achieved is through:

Food Rescue Programs

Every year in the United States, approximately 31% (133 billion pounds) of the food supply is wasted or thrown away. With the rising costs of food, this not only impacts our bottom line as event planners, but it also increases the number of children and families who are suffering from food insecurity in our local communities. In Central Florida, one in five children live in households where they don’t have enough food. Food recovery programs:

Sustainable Food & Beverage

Agriculture accounts for 10.5% of greenhouse gas emissions and much of this gas is methane, which is 80 times more potent than carbon emissions. There are many opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint and save money through sustainable menu planning. A few areas of impact include:

Waste Diversion & Management

Your waste diversion rate represents how much waste you will prevent from going into the landfills. A “Zero Waste” event is one that diverts 90% or more waste from going to landfills. A successful waste diversion program should include:

Carbon Offset Programs

Carbon offset programs should be considered as a last resort and only when it may be impossible to eliminate carbon emissions directly related to a program. Examples include emissions created through airline travel, transportation to and from the venue or emissions related to energy use on-site. Choosing programs that are certified can often feel overwhelming and complex. A few examples of carbon offset programs include:

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